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'The Rat Eater'

paper pulp, acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 x 3’’

‘Sail to the stars on your shining desires. «Reasons? there are none!» cried the whiskey laden brain.

«When all is said and done, it amounts to just the same.»

There in your starry eyes lie hopes that have been betrayed.

The cause of your desire can also lead to your demise.

When all is said and done it will be you who PAYS the price

As countless fools are often loathe to testify «It’s an illusion of life, the whole cause of our demise.»’

‘The Cardinal Sin’, Dead Can Dance

The rat Eater’ depicts a naked man, except for the scarlet ‘Zucchetto’, usually worn by the higher catholic clergy (cardinals). The figure is surrounded by pitch darkness, which, together with the rat, symbolizes the misery of the soul. The ‘cardinal‘ has turned his back to the light (the bulb). The rest of the surrounding atmosphere adds to the impression of vanity, aggression, and sin. Violation of faith.

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